My Fifth Blog!

Do you think the Data Privacy Act of 2012 does not violate our freedom of speech and freedom of expression?

Data Privacy Act of 2012 does not violate the freedom of speech and freedom of expression, because in every people they have a freedom to speech if ever it is a bad or good in the way to express on how to impress the true expression of what they talking about that they can’t forget what happen so that it does not violated.

Among the rights of a Data Subject, which do you consider as the two (2) most important rights? Why?

The rights of Data Subject, I consider as the two most important rights is the ff.

Right to be informed it is the first most important right that the data subject has a right to be informed whether personal data pertaining to him or her shall be, are being or have been processed, including the existence of automated decision-making and profiling . Most of all, without the right to be informed, the privacy of a data subject in terms of his/her personal data is violated.

Right to rectification it is the second most important right that the data subject has a right to dispute the inaccuracy or error in the personal data and have the personal information controller correct it immediately and accordingly, unless the request is vexatious or otherwise unreasonable. If the personal data has been corrected, the personal information controller shall ensure the accessibility of both the new and the retracted information and the simultaneous receipt of the new and retracted information by intended recipients. We have to remember that when a personal data turned out to be inaccurate or incomplete, there comes the possibility of harm and damages to occur especially towards the data subject. Therefore, the right to rectification is really essential for the data subject to have his/her inaccurate data is corrected and completed preventing any harm and damages to happen.

In Data Privacy Act of 2012, when do you consider a person as a Data Subject? Provide an example situation.

I consider a person as a Data Subject when he/she gives off his/her personal data. One example is my friend who applied in a bank to have her own account and her purpose is to have a savings account. The bank gave her a form to fill up and she filled it up which means she had given her personal data making her a data subject.

My fourth Blog!

What is republic Act no. 10175?


It is a Cyber-crime providing for the prevention , investigation suppression and the imposition of penalties therefor and for other purposes.

How many chapters does it contain? enumerate each chapter with its corresponding title?


Chapter I Preliminary Provisions

  • Section 1. Title
  • Section 2. Declaration of Policy
  • Section 3. Definition of Terms

Chapter II Punishable Acts

  • Section 4. Cybercrime Offenses
  • Section 5. Other Offenses
  • Section 6. All crimes defined and penalized by the Revised Penal Code
  • Section 7. Liability under Other Laws

Chapter III Penalties

  • Section 8. Penalties
  • Section 9. Corporate Liability

Chapter IV Enforcement and Implementation

  • Section 10. Law Enforcement Authorities
  • Section 11. Duties of Law Enforcement Authorities
  • Section 12. Real-Time Collection of Traffic Data
  • Section 13. Preservation of Computer Data
  • Section 14. Disclosure of Computer Data
  • Section 15. Search, Seizure and Examination of Computer Data
  • Section 16. Custody of Computer Data
  • Section 17. Destruction of Computer Data
  • Section 18. Exclusionary Rule
  • Section 19. Restricting or Blocking Access to Computer Data
  • Section 20. Noncompliance

Chapter V Jurisdiction

  • Section 21. Jurisdiction

Chapter VI International Cooperation

  • Section 22. General Principles Relating to International Cooperation

Chapter VII Competent Authorities

  • Section 23. Department of Justice (DOJ)
  • Section 24. Cybercrime Investigation and Coordinating Center
  • Section 25. Composition
  • Section 26. Powers and Functions

Chapter VIII Final Provisions

  • Section 27. Appropriations
  • Section 28. Implementing Rules and Regulations
  • Section 29. Separability Clause
  • Section 30. Repealing Clause


Chapter 1 Section 1 Contains all about Act shall be known as the “Cyber-crime Prevention Act of 2012″. It’s officially recorded as Republic Act No. 10175 and it is a law in the Philippines.


The declaration policy of RA 10175 this is the State recognizes the vital role information and communication industries such as content production telecommunication, broadcasting electronic commerce, and data processing, in the nation’s overall social and economic development.


A. Offenses against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and systems:

  1. Illegal Access
  2. Illegal Interception
  3. Data Interference
  4. System Interference
  5.  Misuse of Devices
  6. Cyber-squatting

B. Computer-related Offenses:

  1. Computer-related Forgery
  2. Computer-related Fraud
  3. Computer-related Identity Theft

C. Content-related Offenses:

  1. Cybersex
  2. Child Pornography
  3. Unsolicited Commercial Communications
  4.  Libel.


This is the penalties when the person found guilty. Any person found guilty of any of the punishable acts enumerated in Sections 4(a) and 4(b) of this Act shall be punished with imprisonment of prision mayor or a fine of at least Two hundred thousand pesos (PhP200,000.00) up to a maximum amount commensurate to the damage incurred or both.

Any person found guilty of the punishable act under Section 4(a)(5) shall be punished with imprisonment of prision mayor or a fine of not more than Five hundred thousand pesos (PhP500,000.00) or both.

If punishable acts in Section 4(a) are committed against critical infrastructure, the penalty of reclusion temporal or a fine of at least Five hundred thousand pesos (PhP500,000.00) up to maximum amount commensurate to the damage incurred or both, shall be imposed.

Any person found guilty of any of the punishable acts enumerated in Section 4(c)(1) of this Act shall be punished with imprisonment of prision mayor or a fine of at least Two hundred thousand pesos (PhP200,000.00) but not exceeding One million pesos (PhPl,000,000.00) or both.


I think being protect the country and the citizens against the various cyber crime is not fully enough to protect and to help people but because of this act they deliver to help the country and the citizens to avoid in a critical way of condition for being involve the incident. In Philippines is the center of the many involve people for the victim of a crime half of it want a justice for being protected by the RA 10175 they want to a peaceful justice from bringing they self in a critical way but RA 10175 is the one to help people to being protected in a good way but the other half they can’t assure to handle because of the country are populated of a committing a crime they can’t predict the other side of people who can do the crime to the country and the innocent citizens.


My Second Blog!

Ten most notorious hacker in the world.

1. Kevin Mitnick

Born in August 6, 1963 his American computer security consultant, author, best known for his high-profile in 1995 arrest and later five years in prison for various computer and communications-related crimes.

2. Jonathan James

He is American who hacked the first juvenile incarcerated for cyber crime in the United States.

3. Albert Gonzales

American computer hacker and computer criminal who is accused of masterminding the combined credit card theft and subsequent reselling of more than 170 million card and ATM numbers from 2005 to 2007.

4. Kevin Poulsen

Known as best involved penetrating telephone company computers in the early 1990s to win radio station phone-in contests and he is a former computer hacker. When the FBI started pursuing Poulsen, he went underground as a fugitive.

5. Robert Tappan Morris

Born in November 8, 1965 he is an American computer scientist and entrepreneur. A student graduate in Harvard he developed the first widely spread Internet “worm” he released it on Nov. 2, 1988 using MIT’s system to disguise the fact that he was a Cornell student.

6. Loyd Blankenship

Born in 1965 know by his pseudonym The Mentor, and well-known as a computer hacker and writer. Blankenship has been active since the 19970, when he was a member of the hacker groups Ecstasy Elite and Legion of Doom.

7. Julian Assange

Australian computer programmer, a grantee of political asylum, a fugitive from a British arrest warrant for breaching bail conditions, and the editor of Wiki Leaks.

8. Adrian Lamo

Lamo is American threat analyst and hacker. He first gained media attention for breaking into several high-profile computer networks, including those of The New York Times, Yahoo!, and Microsoft, culminating in his 2003 arrest.

9. Michael Calce

Born 1986, known as Mafia Boy is a high school student from Île Bizard, Quebec, who launched a series of highly publicized denial-of-service attacks in February 2000 against large commercial websites, including Yahoo!,,, Dell, eBay, and CNN.

10. Mathew Bevan

 Born June 10, 1974 is a British hacker from Cardiff, Wales. In 1996 he was arrested for hacking into secure U.S. Government networks under the handle Kuji. At the age of 21, he hacked into the files of the Griffiss Air Force Base Research Laboratory in New York.


Explain why the cost to identify and remove a defect in the early stages of software development might be 100 times less than cost of removing a defect in software that has been distributed to hundreds of customers.

The cost to identity and to remove a defect in the early stages of software development is to be careful to process so that they can’t take the defect and they can prevent by not selling to the customers where they what to development a software. They can develop by a quality software in the main time to less the defect and if they cant solve this issue customers will gonna lost.

Identity the three criteria you consider to be most important in a quality system. Briefly discuss your rationale for selecting these criteria.

The three criteria i can consider to be most important in a quality system, first is quality or quality software essentially if it is bad or good quality, second is price if the customer has a budget doesn’t mean buying cheap is necessarily the way to go, third is service after the sale quality and price are both important factors, but you need to consider them alongside service after the sale to get the full picture.

My Third Blog!

Two companies experiencing problems because of an error in the software they are currently using or because of a software upgrade.

Morris Worm 

Morris worm is a worm that was design by Robert Tappan Morris they released on November 2, 1998 because of a coding error. It is notorious for being one of the first computer worms distributed on the internet.He is a graduate student, who convicted of a criminal hacking offense and fine $10,000 his lawyer claimed at the trial that Morris clients program helped improve computer security.

NASA’s Mars Climate Orbiter

NASA’s Mars Climate Orbiter spacecraft was ultimate lost in space. Its mission on Mars in 1998 is failure confused by engineers for some time it was revealed that a sub contractor on the engineering team was failed to make a simple conversion from English units to metric.

Two companies specializing in creating various types of software. What software engineering principles and/or software development method are they following?


Clients: Globe, aboiiz, Jollibee, Tanduay, Home credit, bamgko central ng pilipinas,

Yondu is a topnotch IT solution provider in the Philippines connecting the archipelago today’s creative digital innovation. Yondu was founded in 2001, the IT professionals experienced a confidently guide companies through today’s complex technology landscape they don’t just put their clients on the map, by using the power of technology  they help them to stay there, too. Yondu has all the tools to transform your big ideas into reality with the most efficient strategies.

Software Development Method

  • Web Development Capability
  • Web and Mobile solution
  • Mobile Solution
  • Integration Capability
Segue Technologies

Clients: Five Guys, Sonoma Chicken

Segue Technology is a combination of culture of quality work with our overall corporate objective of process maturity they follow best practices throughout the product life cycle to ensure timely delivery and quality products for our customers.

Software Development Method

  • Web Development
  • Data Development
  • Mobile Development

What is capability maturity model integration (CMMI)? Provide at least 2 companies that are currently using this method.

Capability Maturity Model Integration

Capability Maturity Model Integration  a process level improvement training and appraisal program. Administered by the CMMI Institute, a subsidiary of ISACA, it was developed at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU).

Two companies that are currently using this method.

Accenture is a consulting firm that has a types of
 main service lines the management consulting, technology, and outsourcing. MC is typical management consulting – helping business answer tough questions at various level of operations and strategy.

Deloitte is  the brand under which tens of thousands of dedicated professionals in independent firms throughout the world collaborate to provide audit, consulting, financial advisory, risk management, tax and legal services to selected clients.

My First Blog!

Who is Mafiaboy and what crime did he commit?

Michael Calce is born in 1986 also known as Mafiaboy he is a high school student from IIe Bizard, Quebec he is 15 years old he first commit a crime to brought down the websites Yahoo,,, Dell, CNN, eBay and he launched a series of highly publicized commercial websites in February 7,2000.

Who is Mafiaboy? What crime did he commit?

How did Mafiaboy performed the attack?

Mafiaboy performed the attack when he first target to brought down the Yahoo! for almost an hour Yahoo! is a multi billionaire web company and the top search engine his goal is to establish dominance for himself and TNT, his cyber group, in the cyber world. was shut down in response. Mafiaboy responded to this in turn by bringing down eBay,CNN, and Amazon.

Who is Mafiaboy? What crime did he commit?

Who is Onel de Guzman and what crime did he commit?

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Onel de Guzman is the Filipino student from AMA he is 24 years old who became a suspect for committing a crime the ILoveYou Virus.

Who is Onel de Guzman? What crime did he commit?

How did ILoveYou virus spread throughout the world?

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Onel De Guzman confessed that he may have accidentally spread the virus all over the world. Thesis proposal he had submitted to his college which was rejected because it was unethical.

Who is Onel de Guzman? What crime did he commit?

How much was the damage?

The estimated damage of the ILOVEYOU virus is $10 Billion all over the world.

Who is the suspect behind hacking the Comelec website in 2016?

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Paul Beting is a 23 years old who finish their study by taking Information Technology he is the suspect behind hacking the COMELEC website in 2016.

What is the reason behind hacking the COMELEC website?

The reason behind hacking the COMELEC website is to display the vulnerability of the COMELEC website. Paul Beting said that he leak the data of the COMELEC the Lulz Sec Pilipinas is a well known hacker and the one who leaked the data of COMELEC is no other than the “de asis” then beting breached the COMELEC website.

What are the possible and most dangerous effects of computer viruses in computer systems and websites?

The possible and most dangerous effect of computer viruses in computer system and website is when they use a unsecured apps that they can download direct to the computer system so that the possible dangerous is when you apply it and they can destroy the computer system in all files they have or the unknown source that they don’t have a licence and they don’t have a good response and also to plug a flash-drive to the common computer and they can use it to own computer system they can corrupt all files into the computer system.

What is the difference between a hacker and a cracker? 

The difference between a hacker and a cracker are Hacker is a person intensely interested in the arcane and recondite working of any computer system or a person who secretly gets access to a computer system in order to get information, cause damage and hacker can plays a sport badly and Cracker is someone is a someone who breaks into someone else’s computer system, often on a network; bypasses passwords or licenses in computer programs; or in other ways intentionally breaches computer security. A cracker can be doing this for profit, maliciously, for some altruistic purpose or cause, or because the challenge is there.

Differentiate computer virus from a worm?

The different between the virus and worm is that the virus can insert a copy of itself into and becoming part of program while worm is can duplicate the function copy of themselves and can cause the same type of damage.

 How can a system or website be protected against computer malware and hacking?

It can protect against computer malware and hacking by secure the computer in using a strong password and Install the
 robust antivirus software package it is the primary component of technological defenses that every personal and business computer system should have protected.